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Check out what is happening at Berwyn Sprout

Vendor and Project updates!

At Sprout, we cannot "beleaf" the overwhelming support we have received from frequent shoppers, local residents, community partners, and media outlets! Continue below for a sneak peek into the events, spotlights, and successes of this homegrown project! 

Berwyn Sprout Grand Opening!

August 29th | Ribbon Cutting and Celebration

Berwyn Sprout In the News!

Project Highlights and Vendor News

On Wed, August 7th, Kendra chatted with Scott Childers on WLS-AM 890 about the overall mission and impact of Project Homegrown. The segment also highlighted incredible partnerships, such as the Berwyn community and BMO Bank, who make our 3 retail incubators possible.


KENDRA WLS 890Artist Name
00:00 / 06:56
Fox 31 9-10.PNG

Berwyn shared retail space helps local business grow - 

FOX32 Chicago 9/10/23

Sprout in the news - LawNdale.PNG
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